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Sunday, November 23, 2008


this is a little token i made for cheel :)
p.s its a cd cover!


Parul said...

interesting illustrations
keep ur creativity meter runnin

Anonymous said...


TimbaRoocha said...

It just happened that i logged in after long and found u as a follower so.. tht of reciprocating.... I sseriously have no idea why a CD cover is not round ??

Rohit Gore said...

An interesting blog you have here, Swagata. Look forward to reading it frequently.
Now I don't want to add something cliched like 'Please keep up the good work'. I think the first two lines are already plucked from the cliche garden.
I liked your take on myriad of issues. Your Myriad Hues are definitely Myreads now. Okay, okay, I know that was a bit tacky!


a traveller of myriad hues said...

i found it interesting and amusing by the way Rohit..yr comment..hahaha..
yr blogg is gonna make a mighty fine read i have gained yrself another reader...:)

a traveller of myriad hues said...

timba..sweets..thats the whole point of being creative..should cd covers be always round..coz cds are round in shape?? thats a food for thot!!

Rohit Gore said...

Swagata, Thanks for adding me and you get the early bird prize for becoming the first follower of Rohit Gore's blog! A blog that was till now followed by family and those who owed me money ;-)

TimbaRoocha said...

pardon my ignorance, but why is a cd cover is not a circular one. I suppose CD cover is to be pasted on a Cd ????